Thursday, August 27, 2009

Welcome to the WebSphere Web Services blog!

Welcome to the WebSphere Web Services blog! We've created this space to discuss topics related to web services in general with you. Specifically, this blog will cover both the traditional SOAP-based web services along with REST web services.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    I am new to websphere. and I am facing issues while deploying webservice application to websphere. I am using SEAM + EJB framework with JSFs. and hence my webservices uses jboss-seam annotations. when I deploy webservice it needs jboss-seam.jar prior deploying application. I tried putting jboss-seam.jar in [websphere_home]/java/jre/lib/ext folder and the application is deployed successfully. but the other applications start giving errors. So I cant put jboss-seam.jar at that path. Can you please let me know a way to configure websphere in such a way that it loads this jar file from a specific path and use this while deploying my webservice application and this jar file should not be avaiable to any other deployed application on websphere. It should only be configured for my webservice application. I am almost stuck here. Please try help me out. Any pointer would be appreciated and helpful.

    Thanks in advance.
